Catholic Formation

Classical Curriculum

Hybrid Approach

Family Focused

St John Paul II Preparatory School

At JPII, we focus our studies on the true, the good and the beautiful seen through the lens of the Catholic faith. Our students flourish with increased family time, the influence and expertise of faith-filled teachers, and the support of a vibrant Catholic community. Explore how we can assist your family with K-12 education.


Form ourselves and our children in alignment with the authentic teachings of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church.

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At JPII, we treasure the richness, traditions, and Truth of the Catholic faith and provide opportunities for students to encounter, develop and practice virtue in all circumstances of life. All members of the JPII community strive for excellence in both human and Catholic formation, seeking authentic holiness of life.


Teach goodness, truth, and beauty through the gravitas found in the classical curriculum.

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We explore the lives and societies of history’s holy, wise, and influential men and women. This context provides students the tools they need to understand the Gospels, the saints, the writings of the Church, philosophy, literature, the process of discovery in science, the use of imagination and logic in problem-solving, and ultimately how to be tomorrow’s clear communicators, wise decision-makers, and holy saints who promote and defend the faith of Jesus Christ.


Partner professional teachers with parents to co-educate children intellectually and spiritually.

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JPII’s hybrid academic program blends all the best aspects of traditional instruction with the benefits of home school days to provide an atmosphere where both academic and spiritual formation thrive. Our cooperative partnership with parents allows for a healthy balance between home life and school participation– truly the best of both worlds! 


Honor and uphold the family as the domestic church and its essential role in forming joyful Catholics and future saints.

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At JPII, we honor families and support parents in their responsibility as primary educators of their children. Here, parents seeking to nurture their own holy families treasure the opportunity to maximize their time and influence with their children as they grow and mature.

St. John Paul II Preparatory School has been recognized by the Cardinal Newman Society as “an exemplar of faithful Catholic education.” Our school is listed in The Newman Guide, which has earned a trusted reputation for vigorously vetting Catholic colleges and has recently been expanded to include elementary and secondary schools.

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Year Founded

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JPII’s South Campus

is the holy spirit calling

your family to JPII?

A Message from the Principal

About JPII


Donate today to support our mission.


Supports Catholic families with multi-child discount and need-based tuition assistance


Rewards high quality, faith-filled, and dynamic teachers


Expands extracurricular opportunities


Provides solid Catholic education not underwritten by any parish, religious order, or the Archdiocese

Betsy M.

This is the best thing that has ever happened to our family. Everyone should be so lucky.

Dianne A.

I have always felt very blessed to have the 3-day model for my children’s education.  So many benefits … God is in the details even if we don’t see it.

Bonnie L.

A 5-star education and a giant leap going into college. 

Alexis G.

Excellent teachers that help to give a true Catholic education in the St. Louis area.

High School Parent

I just want to take a moment to say what an appreciation I have for the 3-day model here at JPII.  My son uses many of his home days to intern at Covenant Network and got to work the SEEK Conference for them.  He is gaining so much knowledge and skill beyond the books, not to mention confidence!

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