Location JPII St Charles: Gateway to the West

The Highest Point in St Charles

Fields for sports and recess

A Place to Pray

A Place to Learn

A Place to Make Friends

Since 2015, JPII has been proud to call St Robert Bellarmine church grounds, now part of St Elizabeth Ann Seton parish, home to its St Charles campus. Overlooking the historic Missouri valley, the site of the departure of Lewis and Clark’s expedition in 1804, the burial site of St Rose Philippine Duchesne, missionary to the Americas, and blessed by its association with St Charles Borromeo and St Robert Bellarmine, two great saints of the Catholic Counter Reformation, St Charles campus is fertile ground for JPII’s mission to raise the next generation of saints and re-evangelize the West. 

1418 S. First Capitol Dr, St. Charles, MO 63303