Middle School Science

Physical Science 8th Grade
Mrs. Jennifer Hogan

This course is a high school preparatory Physical science class. The class is designed to give students an appreciation of creation and of the order and complexity of the Physical world around them. The class will emphasize basic Physical science and how it works. Students will conduct labs approximately every two to three weeks which will cover the material discussed in that’s week’s lectures in order to facilitate learning. The students will learn how to evaluate and interpret scientific ideas in order to develop their scientific thinking skills and learn to understand the world around them.

  • Physical Science: A Mastery-Oriented Curriculum 2nd ed. By John D. Mays, Published by Novare.

Earth Science 7th Grade
Mrs. Anne Henning

This course covers topics in geology, hydrology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. The course is a survey of all topics in an Earth Science course. Many experiments, requiring few materials, support inquiry-based instruction within the course plan. There are several website resources that correspond with the Holt Science and Technology series. The National Science Teachers Association has provided a centralized place for added information on topics that appear in the textbook.

  • Earth Science: God’s World, Our Home by John D. Mays, published by Novare

Science 6th Grade
Mrs. Anne Henning

Grade 6 Science explains the basic aspects of botany and biology. In the first semester students study dendrology to understand classification of living things, green plant systems and organs, and their functions, and the processes of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. In the second semester, students study the history of medicine and seven of the human body’s twelve body systems, including skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory and the blood and the heart, digestive, excretory, nervous systems and the brain.

  • The Book of Trees, An Introduction to Biology Through the Study of Trees By Sean Brooks, Memoria Press
  • Biology for the Logic Stage by Paige Hudson, Elemental Press
  • The History of Medicine by John Hudson Tiner, Memoria Press
  • Body Systems, Milliken Publishing Company