Third Grade

Mrs. Julie Forbes and Mrs. Marykay Fulton

Religion: Word of Life 3 (Augustine Institute) and Religion for Young Catholics 3 (Seton Press)

Language Arts:

 Spelling: Spelling by Sound and Structure, Book 4 (Rod and Staff)

English Grammar Recitation: English Grammar Recitation-Workbook One (Memoria Press)

Writing: All Things Fun and Fascinating-Writing Lessons in Structure & Style (Institute for Excellence in Writing)

Independent Reading: Faith and Freedom Readers (Seton Press): The Story Tree, This is Our Town, This is Our Valley

Math: Exploring Arithmetic 3 (Rod & Staff)

Science: Book of Astronomy (Memoria Press)

History: Timeline: Events from Ancient to Modern Times (Memoria Press), D’Aulaires’ Book of Greek Myths

Handwriting: New American Cursive Latin Copybook (Memoria Press)

Latin: First year of Latina Christiana (Memoria Press), D’Aulaires Book of Greek Myths

Topics covered in daily recitation:
Through the course of the year, the students will memorize various facts in geography, science, history, and language arts including the following: Old Testament facts and stories up through Moses and the Ten Commandments, Greek mythology up through the Trojan War, state and capitals and their spelling and abbeviations, North American geography, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, prefixes, suffixes, and derivatives.

Grade 3 Reading List

  • Charlotte’s Web, by E.B. White
  • Farmer Boy, by Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • This is Our Town, and This is Our Valley, by S.N.D., M.A. Sister M. Marguerite
  • The Story Tree, by Bernarda and Rankin
  • The Moffats, by Eleanor Estes

PoetryPoetry for the Grammar Stage; Memoria Press,  “The Pleiades,” “The Happy Farmer,” “The Hayloft,” “Lazy Ned,” “Try, Try Again,” and “Our House”