Fourth Grade

Mrs. Mary Beth Franzen

Religion Word of Life 4 (Augustine Institute) and Religion for Young Catholics 4 (Seton Press)

Language Arts:

Spelling: Spelling by Sound and Structure Book 5, by Rod and Staff Publishers

Writing: All Things Fun and Fascinating-Writing Lessons in Structure & Style (published by the Institute for Excellence in Writing).

Independent Reading:  Faith and Freedom Readers (Seton Press): Book of Gladness, This is Our Land

Math: Progress in Mathematics 4 (Sadlier)

Science: The World of Animals (My Father’s World), What Is the Animal Kingdom? and What Is a Mammal? (Crabtree Publishing Co), What’s That Bird? (Storey Publishing), Peterson First Guide to Birds of North America and Peterson Field Guide Coloring Books-Birds (Houghton Mifflin)

History and GeographyThe Middle East, North Africa and EuropeThe United States: States & Capitals Review, Famous Men of Rome, and Timeline: Events from Ancient to Modern Times (all by Memoria Press)

In fourth grade we learn and memorize important dates in history that we can reference as our study of history grows more in depth in middle and high school.

Handwriting: New American Cursive Memoria Press (In the fourth grade all writing is done in cursive.)

LatinLatina Christiana 2nd part of two year program (Memoria Press)

Grade 4 Reading List

  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, by CS Lewis
  • Heidi, by Johanna Spyri
  • Lassie Come-Home, by Eric Knight
  • A Book of Gladness, by Seton Press
  • This is Our Land, by Sister M. Margaret Sheila

Poetry:  “Out in the Fields With God”, “Shaker Poem”, “The Nightingale and the Glow-worm”, “Ode to the Northeast Wind”, “Hope is the thing with feathers”, “The Raven”