High School Latin

Latin III: Great Debaters   11th Grade
Mr. John Tardiff and Mr. Robert Shea

This course focuses on building a solid grammatical foundation upon which the student can build, to read and write Latin.  Fluency in a language requires immersing oneself in that language, and true mastery of Latin requires a familiarity with text and expression beyond a simple knowledge of grammar.  But a focus on immersion cannot neglect study of grammar, for it is grammar that will carry students through readings of the Classical authors.

Students are encouraged to ask questions, read, and write stories in Latin.  The grammar and vocabulary is taken from Jenney’s Second Year Latin and follows its order of review and introduction of new concepts, which will then be supplemented with readings, including the novels Cloelia and Piso Illle Poetulus, selections form Familia Romana (Orberg), Lingua Biblica (Memoria Press), the Roman Missal, and classical authors.  There will also be activity and culture days, focusing on details of Roman life and culture, Ecclesiastical traditions such as chant and illuminated manuscripts, and personal ownership of Latin in modern day culture through compositions and competitions.

  • Jenney’s Second Year Latin, Latin Grammar for the Grammar Stage by Memoria Press
  • Cloelia: Pualla Romana by Ellie Arnold
  • Piso Ille Poetulus by Lance Piantaggini
  • Selections from various texts 

Latin II: Strong Women   10th Grade
Mr. Nathan Arends

This is a second year Latin class.  The class covers reviews the fundamentals of Latin nouns and verbs learned in the first year and moves on to introduce more advanced grammatical constructs such as the Perfect System of Tenses and the Passive Voice.  The overarching focus of the class is on teaching students how to identify and translate basic Latin passages.  The students will learn how to decline nouns in all five declensions and how to conjugate verbs from all conjugations and construct the six indicative tenses.  They will also learn about the culture of the Ancient Romans and discover links to the material of their history and literature classes.Latin II assumes students have a familiarity with the case system, the active voice, the first three declensions, some pronouns, some adverbs, some conjunctions, and some adjectives.  Latin II increases students’ ability to understand Latin by means of 1) constant practice, 2) comprehensible input, and 3) formal introduction to all major grammatical features of Latin.

  • Jenney’s Second Year Latin, Latin Grammar for the Grammar Stage by Memoria Press

Latin 1: Christian Culture   9th Grade
Mr. Stephen Notestine

This is an introductory Latin class. The class covers the fundamentals of Latin nouns and verbs.  The overarching focus of the class is on teaching students how to identify and translate basic grammatical constructions.

  • Jenney’s First Year Latin, Latin Grammar for the Grammar Stage by Memoria Press