High School Science

Physics   11th/12th Grade
Mr. Robert Hochreiter

This class is a hands-on approach to physics as used or encountered in everyday life.  The students will read about the concepts and the mathematical equations needed to calculate information then apply them first in sample problems and finally in experiments which prove these concepts.  The students will then complete review questions and additional practice problems before taking a test over the unit.  Students will also complete to multimedia semester projects which will require research into and application of a topic covered during the year.  The role of Faith is overtly addressed in the class; the students are asked to consider the compatibility of faith and reason.  Whenever possible, tie ins are made with the CCC and with religion class.

  • Introduction to Physics and Physics: Modeling Nature by John D. Mays, published by Novare

Human Anatomy and Physiology   11th/12th Grade
Mr. Nathan Arends

This course is a college preparatory Human Anatomy and Physiology class. The class is designed to examine the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems in humans. All organ systems are introduced.  A & P details the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, neuronal, endocrine, Respiratory, Urinary, and the Reproduction system. This course will present students with some ethical issues present in today’s society, including birth control, fertility drugs, and genetic engineering.
While the students will be learning specific content, the development of scientific thinking will be heavily focus on during class. The students will learn how to evaluate and interpret scientific ideas in order to develop their scientific thinking skills and learn to understand the world around them.

Upon completion of this course students should be able to name the majority of the human body’s anatomical parts and understand the physiological processes that are necessary for day to day processes to occur.

  • Hole’s Human Anatomy and Physiology Twelfth Edition, published by McGraw Hill

Chemistry   10th Grade
Ms. Caroline Griesbauer

This course is a college preparatory Chemistry class.  The class is designed to give students an appreciation of creation and of the order and complexity of atoms and their interactions with each other.  This course will emphasize the basic chemical interactions between atoms, compounds, and molecules.  This course will present students with Chemical Processed in everyday life in order for them to understand the importance of the chemical sciences.

  • General Chemistry by John D. Mays, published by Novare

Biology   9th Grade
Mrs. Jennifer Hogan

This course is a college preparatory Biology class.  The class is designed to give students an appreciation of creation and of the order and complexity of living things.  This class will emphasize the basic biological processes of how life systems work while occasionally looking at the more in depth physiological processed.  This course will present students with bioethical issues that exist in today’s world, such as stem cell research, genetic engineering, and cloning.

  • General Biology by John D. Mays, published by Novare