Middle School History

American History II 8th Grade
Mr. William Sullivan

Eighth Grade studies the development of the new nation trough the 20th century. The years covered span roughly the ratification of the Constitution (1789) to the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).

The text provides an easily readable overview of each era of American history with emphasis on the important people and events that shaped our nation. Interwoven in each topic is the influence and contribution that the Church has made in the expansion and growth of our nation. Along with the Founding Fathers and other great Americans of history, lives of the holy men and women who help build the Church in America are presented as excellent examples of those spending their lives for Christ and for souls.

  • The History of the United States, published by Seton Press
  • Various Articles, biographies, essays, etc.

American History I 7th Grade
Mr. John Tardiff

Students will study the subject of history as revealed to them as a story. The text has been written in this enjoyable format, which allows students to see an “unfolding” of events with a cause/effect relationship and understand the reasons why these events occurred. Study of famous biographical figures will also be a main theme in this course of study. Students will also use other genres for this course. Biographical readings, plays, class and independent projects will also be included in this course of study.

  • From Sea to Shining Sea, published by Catholic Textbook Project
  • Various Articles, biographies, essays, etc.

History of Greece, Rome, and the Early Church 6th Grade
Mr. Nathan Arends

This course will be an introduction to the history of ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and the early Church. Students will learn about events of this time period through the stories of the ancient world’s most famous historical heroes. They will also learn important vocabulary, increase their knowledge of historic geography, and discuss how ancient civilizations influence our world today.

  • Famous Men of Greece, Memoria Press
  • Famous Men of Rome, Memoria Press
  • Famous Men of the Early Church, Memoria Press
  • Horatius at the Bridge, Memoria Press
  • The Greek Alphabet, Memoria Press
  • All Ye Lands, Catholic Textbook Project