Middle School Religion

Catholicism 8th Grade
Mrs. Lynn Dery

The objective of this course is to help the students to learn about the fundamental truths of why we are here and where we are going. The course helps them to learn the essentials of the Catholic Faith with a particular focus on the Holy Spirit, the Ten Commandments, Prayer, and the Seven Sacraments, With special emphasis on Confirmation. This course also introduces the students to public speaking basic skills

A second goal for the class is to learn note taking skills from the power point lectures and organize them on their home days using the Cornell Method of note taking and the study guides.

  • Introduction to Catholicism, A Complete Course, Didache Series, Midwest Theological Forum
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vatican Press  

Our Life in the Church 7th Grade
Mrs. Lynn Dery

The objective of this course is to help give the students a generous and whole-hearted love for the Church based on a clear understanding of her divine nature and the treasures contained therein. They will learn the essentials of the Faith with a particular focus on the Trinity, all the virtues (theological, cardinal, and moral). Students will also travel through salvation history, learning about many different saints and then identifying which virtues they displayed and why. They will also pick their own virtue to focus on for this year, along with the saint that can help them.

A second goal for the class is to learn note taking skills from the power point lectures and organize them on their home days using the Cornell Method of note taking and the study guides.

  •  Our Life in the Church, Faith and Life Series, published by Ignatius Press
  • The Holy Bible
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vatican Press
  • Baltimore Catechism #2

Saint Study 6th Grade
Mrs. Elizabeth Kramer

The objective of this class is to help students grow in knowledge and friendship with their family in heaven – the saints. Over the course of the year, students learn about the different charisms the saints possessed which helped them during their holy lives to grow, strengthen, protect, and heal the church. By exposure to many different saints and encouragement to realize their own God-given talents, the students are inspired to imitate the many martyrs, missionaries, and mystics who gave their lives to God. Consequently, students grow in prayerful appreciation for the communion of saints, holy mother church, the sacraments, and their own special calling.

  • Saints and Feast Days: A Resource and Activity Book
  • The Holy Bible
  • Catechism of the Catholic Church, Vatican Press