Second Grade

Mrs. Julia Walker and Mrs. Karla Boyer

Religion: Word of Life 2 (Augustine Institute), Going to Confession and Receiving Holy Communion (Fr. L. Lovasik), The Mass with Prayers (Fr. Jude Winkler), The New St. Joseph 1st Communion Catechism (Catholic Book Publishing Co.), Religion for Young Catholics 2 (Seton Press)

In the second grade we prepare the students for receiving their first reconciliation and first holy communion.

Language Arts:

Phonics: Classical Phonics (Memoria Press), Phonics Guide For Reading & Spelling, 2nd Grade and 2nd Grade Worksheets: Phonics & Spelling by Michelle Tefertiller

Spelling: Spelling by Sound and Structure, Grade 2, (Rod and Staff)

Independent Reading:  Faith and Freedom Readers (Seton Press): Book of Sanctity, These Are Our Neighbors, This is Our Parish

Math: Working Arithmetic, Grade 2 (Rod and Staff Publishers, Inc.)

Science, History & Culture: Second Grade Enrichment (Memoria Press), Classical Core Curriculum, by Michelle Tefertille, Patterns of Nature, Grade 2 (Rod & Staff Publishers, Inc.)

Studies in history and culture invite the student to slowly become aware of our common Catholic Christian heritage, while studies in science invite them to become aware of God’s design in nature.

Latin: Second Form Latin (Memoria Press)

Handwriting: New American Cursive, Grade 2, (Scripture and Famous Americans) By Iris Hatfield, Memoria Press

Students learn cursive by copying scripture verses and quotes from famous Americans.

Recitation: Memoria Press

In addition to the above curriculum, we supplement with music and art classes, poetry, and a Book of the Week.

Grade 2 Reading List

  • Prairie School, by Avi
  • The Courage of Sarah Noble, by Alice Dalgliesh
  • Little House in the Big Words, by Laura Ingalls Wilders
  • The Tale of Peter RabbitThe Tale of Benjamin Bunny,
  • The Tale of Tom Kitten, and The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse, by Beatrix Potter
  • Animal Folk Tales of America, by Tony Palazzo